In the dynamic landscape of modern manufacturing, the convergence of traditional industrial processes with cutting-edge technologies is reshaping the way factories operate. One such powerful synergy lies in the integration of IoT (Internet of Things) gateways with Programmable Logical Controllers…
Пограничные шлюзы в интеллектуальном машинном производстве и обработке
In the era of Industry 4.0, intelligent mechanical manufacturing and processing has become the norm. One of the key factors driving this revolution is the use of edge gateways. These devices play a vital role in instantly analyzing feedback data,…
Протокол связи RS485: Катализатор эффективности шлюзов IoT и передачи данных ПЛК
The RS485 communication protocol is a serial communication standard that has become a key factor in improving the efficiency of data transmission in Internet of Things (IoT) gateways and programmable logic controllers (PLCs). This article takes an in-depth look at…