Behind the 5G network, it may just be the “bubble economy”

Before 5G has arrived, the outside world has never stopped making noise. AI and autonomous driving have also become hot topics, and various countries are actively promoting and developing them. It is not an exaggeration to say that the current 5G industry is regarded as an “Internet celebrity” in the technology world, and everyone is eagerly anticipating its arrival.

Шлюз DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-платформа/шлюзовой модульШлюз DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-платформа/шлюзовой модуль

Is 5G currently being praised too highly?

If after the emergence of 5G, we are connected to the 5G network, use the same applications and enjoy the same services now, then the emergence of 5G will not have any special meaning for us ordinary users. 5G is only needed for faster network speeds. Perhaps this is a wrong definition in itself.

From the current perspective, among the popular applications driven by 5G in the future, the existing Internet of Things mainly pursues long life, so it can only be a low-speed, small-data communication connection. 4G is now sufficient for such needs. Whether autonomous driving, which is popular nowadays, and unmanned ships, unmanned aircraft, and unmanned factories that are being extended to the future, can guarantee safety is still a question. Not all situations are suitable for the word “unmanned”.

The so-called 5G communications advocated by many businesses now will also face the current situation that there is a big difference between the theoretical peak and the actual user experience. In the absence of revolutionary improvements in technology, this difference will be further amplified. Just like today’s broadband, if 10M can meet a user’s daily needs, then 50M or even 100M or Gigabit will have very limited improvement in user experience.

5G may be overhyped because demand is not fully generated. If society needs higher bandwidth, 4G has actually achieved it. The current equipment does not play a very good role. It is unrealistic to expect to use technology to replace it. System engineering is not a problem that can be solved with a “trumpet”.

Now looking back at our lives under the 4G network, we do not lack traffic. The struggle between operators and the control of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology have slowly made 4G tariffs more affordable. We can also watch videos online in just a few minutes. Download a high-definition movie; we can still video and watch live broadcasts, not to mention games.

Of course, this does not mean that the arrival of 5G is so useless. It is just that the momentum is so strong now that everyone thinks it can change all kinds of things in life. But in fact, looking back, thinking about how many applications only 5G can use, it has not Not much. Are we really ready for the arrival of 5G?

We don’t want 5G to really become a so-called Internet celebrity. Behind it is the bubble economy. There is a long way to go to treat 5G rationally.


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