Как выбрать лучшую IoT-платформу? Семь важных моментов, на которые следует обратить внимание

The applications of the Internet of Things are becoming more and more widespread, and different applications have different platform requirements. But there are some common points to consider when choosing the best IoT platform.

Шлюз DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-платформа/шлюзовой модульШлюз DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-платформа/шлюзовой модуль

Important things to consider when choosing the best IoT platform:

1. Platform stability

With so many IoT platforms offering services on the market, some are likely to fail. It is especially important to choose platforms that have been in business for many years, otherwise if the platform provider goes bankrupt, your investment will be wasted.

Ask about the usage of the platform by current and past customers, if they can’t provide it, it’s probably not a good choice.

2. Platform scalability and flexibility

Your needs will change over time, so make sure you have a platform you can use when you start small and a platform you can use as your business grows rapidly.

In addition to scalability, the platform should be flexible enough to adapt to rapidly changing technologies, protocols, or capabilities. Flexible platforms are often built on open standards and promise to keep pace with evolving IoT protocols, standards and technologies.

It is also important that the platform is open to the network, meaning that it can integrate and cooperate with important external technologies and systems rather than being limited to one vendor.

3. Data analysis and data ownership

The value of IoT lies in data. Data provides recommendations for operations or simple daily activities, thereby increasing efficiency or improving the experience.

Also, be sure to ask about ownership of the data. If the answer is vague, such as “You own the data generated by your own product,” then you must be wary. Again, the value of IoT is in the data.

4. Pricing model and your business case

Make sure that the platform provider’s pricing is transparent. Some platforms solicit business with very tempting ultra-low prices or payment methods in the early stage, and then significantly increase the price when you actually sign the order.

Also, how will you buy? If you are doing a subscription model, then it makes sense to pay the subscription fee for the IoT platform service. You can include the platform subscription fee into the cost and then package the pricing. However, if you’re selling hardware, it makes more sense to look for those platforms that have upfront licensing options so you can factor that into the development costs of your hardware product.

5. How platform providers deal with security issues

Security is critical to any IoT system, and IoT platforms must ensure that every aspect is secure.

When you ask about the security of your platform, focus on: cloud network security appliances, wireless network security for user applications, cloud security, device security (including authentication and up-to-date certificates), application authentication, data encryption, data protection (stored state , in transit and in the cloud), session initiation security, and updated security specific plans, including via OTA communications.

6. Previous work of the platform provider

As mentioned above, different IoT applications vary greatly. If the platform provider has done similar work to your application, that’s a good selection metric to use to gauge whether it meets your specific needs. However, it should be noted that an exact match is not necessarily required.

For example, if you are building a smart agriculture application, you might look for a platform that has experience with similar use cases involving hundreds or thousands of sensors, the same network connectivity (such as LPWAN) and data analysis methods, and the creation of Experience sharing.

7. Does the IoT platform provider have your best interests at heart?

In addition to the above questions that you must know, you also need to pay attention to what questions the platform provider asked you. Did they ask about your budget, timeline, expectations or cases? Do they seem really sincere? Do I care about you?

This is one of the most critical considerations. Because if a platform provider cares about the success of your project from your shoes, then they will do more work for you and make up for the features their platform may be lacking.


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