How to implement IoT smart water-saving solutions

In the 21st century, water resources are becoming a precious and scarce resource. Water resources issues are no longer just a resource issue, but also a major strategic issue related to the sustainable development of the country’s economy, society and long-term peace and stability. The adoption of water-saving and energy-saving irrigation methods has become a general trend in the development of irrigation technology around the world. The promotion of water-saving irrigation has also become an inevitable choice for countries around the world to alleviate water resources crises and realize agricultural modernization.

Шлюз DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-платформа/шлюзовой модульШлюз DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-платформа/шлюзовой модуль

Smart water meter

Most cities around the world still use analog water meters to measure water consumption in homes and businesses. Although these water meters have been in use for a long time, due to lack of connectivity, these meters are unable to report water usage to the water department or the owners of the home or business. When property owners or water authorities want to check their water usage, they must check the water meter themselves. Smart water meters that leverage IoT technology not only make it easier for users to check their water usage, but they can also immediately alert the home or business owner if a user is using too much water. Likewise, a smart water meter can immediately notify the water department if it detects that a user is wasting water.

Intelligent detection

In almost every building, there is a maze of pipes. These pipes carry water into the building and remove waste. Because these pipes are hidden from view, leaks are difficult to detect, and often by the time a leak is detected, the pipe may have been leaking for some time. Smart sensors are integrated into the intricate ductwork of nearly every building, instantly detecting leaks invisible to the naked eye. Sensors can alert building owners if they detect a leak. The owner can then make the necessary repairs. Additionally, owners will be able to pinpoint the exact location of leaks based on sensors.

Smart irrigation

Irrigation of crops and ornamental plants is a relatively large form of water use, so great efforts need to be made to reduce waste in irrigation. Leveraging IoT smart irrigation systems can take irrigation water conservation to new levels, and the IoT sensors of smart sprinklers will provide just the right amount of water for plant growth. Smart sensors are embedded in the soil and measure moisture levels. The sensors then pass this moisture information to smart sprinkler systems, which can spray the appropriate amount of water.

Подведите итоги

Traditional water saving methods have reached a bottleneck, but smart devices utilizing IoT technology are the solution to take water saving to the next level. IoT technology will enable smart water meters, sensors and irrigation systems to be easily deployed in a variety of projects. As water resources dwindle, IoT technology can help us protect the planet’s water resources.


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