The role of cloud platform in the Internet of Things

Cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) have become inseparable, and for good reason: you really can’t have IoT without the cloud. The cloud is a larger concept that stands on its own, but nonetheless remains integral to the success of IoT.

The Internet of Things is a system of unrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects and other devices that have unique identifiers (IP addresses) and are capable of transmitting data over the Internet without the need for human contact. Human or human-computer interaction.

The traditional Internet mainly consists of personal computers, tablets and smartphones, while the Internet of Things can be cars, road signs, refrigerators or watches. While traditional Internet input and interaction relies on human input, the IoT is almost completely automated.

Since most IoT devices are not located in traditional data centers and are almost always connected wirelessly, they rely on cloud platforms for connectivity. For example, connected cars sending terabytes of telemetry data don’t always travel close to a data center, so they need to connect to a cloud platform.

The role of cloud platform in the Internet of Things

IoT has been embraced by many industries around the world, including precision agriculture, healthcare, energy, transportation, building management, and more. Regardless of the industry, IoT generates large amounts of data that needs to be processed, and most IoT devices do not have local processing or storage capabilities.

Therefore, the data must be sent to a data center for processing. Managing the movement and storage of this data is a time-consuming task for businesses. In fact, IoT devices can decide what should be processed and what can be discarded, but today, large amounts of data are still transmitted to data centers for processing.

Many of these devices are limited by computing power, so connecting to cloud platforms helps these devices provide valuable services.

Since the development of the Internet of Things industry, the demand for industry applications has gradually risen, and the underlying technology has gradually matured. Therefore, developing a complete Internet of Things cloud platform technology to stimulate the deployment of downstream applications has become the key to promoting industry development.


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