Что означает прозрачная передача в сетях связи?

Transparent transmission, as the name suggests, is transparent transmission. Transparent transmission means that during the transmission process, it is transparent to the outside world. That is to say, you cannot see that it is a transmission network. Regardless of the transmitted business, I am only responsible for transmitting the business that needs to be transmitted to the destination node, which is equivalent to A data line or serial port line is enough to ensure the quality of transmission without processing the transmitted business.

Transparent transmission is generally used to read remote serial port data. In the Internet of Things era where things are connected, if you want to realize data transparent transmission of smart devices, you need to rely on the power of wireless transparent transmission module, which can achieve the same length and content of the sender and receiver data without any processing of the data. , equivalent to a data line or serial port line, can be widely used in power systems, industrial monitoring, traffic management, environmental monitoring, meteorology, water conservancy, coal mining, petroleum, new energy and many other industries.


ZHC4013 of Zongheng Intelligent Control is a product developed to realize the mutual transmission of data between serial devices and network servers through the operator’s network. By simply setting up the host computer, you can easily use this product to achieve two-way transparent transmission of data from the serial port to the network. The operation is stable and reliable, providing strong support for the communication network and wireless transmission of the project.


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