[Good News] Zongheng Intelligent Control was named “2022 Innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”

On December 26, the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology announced the “List of Innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Fourth Quarter of 2022”. After enterprise self-evaluation, prefectural and municipal preliminary review, provincial and departmental review and other procedures, Chengdu Zongheng Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd. was successfully selected as the “2022 Innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”. This is another honor our company has received this year!

“Innovative small and medium-sized enterprises” refer to enterprises with a high level of specialization, strong innovation capabilities and development potential, and are influential in industry segments. They are a “certification” mark of an enterprise’s innovation capabilities. As the basic strength of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises, “innovative small and medium-sized enterprises” are an important prerequisite for later growth into “specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises” and “specialized, special and new small giant enterprises”, and are the driving force to promote high-quality economic development. and an important support for building a new development pattern.

Since its establishment, Chengdu Zongheng Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd. has persisted in technological and application innovation. This time it successfully passed the certification review of “Innovative Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”, which is a gratifying achievement that our company has achieved in improving its independent innovation capabilities and taking the path of innovative and sustainable development. The results are also recognition by relevant government departments of our company’s current R&D and innovation capabilities.

In the future, Zongheng Intelligent Control will continue to adhere to innovation-driven development and continue to provide high-quality and efficient communication control terminal products and related overall solutions for Internet of Things industry users!


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