ARM’s growth history

Milestones in ARM’s development 1

●ARM, formerly known as Acorn Computer, was founded in Cambridge, England, in 1978.
●In the late 1980s, Apple Computer began to cooperate with Aiken Computer to develop a new version of the ARM core.
●In 1985, the world’s first commercial RISC processor, ARM1, was developed.
●In 1990, Aikon Computer was in financial crisis. With investments from Apple and VLSI, it spun off Advanced, an independent subsidiary.
RISC Machines (ARM), ARM company was officially established.

This photo is ARM’s first partner conference. It was less than a year before ARM became independent. The third from the right is Sir Robin Saxby, ARM CEO at the time and former IET chairman. The first one on the right is ARMMCTO Mike Muller. This former HP employee joined ARM as the head of system architecture and has been serving as CTO since October 2000. Sitting opposite them are ARM’s three investors from Acorn, Apple and VLSI.

Milestone 2 of ARM development

●In 1991, ARM launched the first embedded RISC processor, namely ARM6
●In 1993, ARM7 was released
●In 1997, ARM9TDMI was released
●In 1999, ARM9E was released
●In 2001, the ARMv6 architecture was released ●In 2002, the ARM11 microarchitecture was released

Milestone 3 of ARM’s development

●In 2004, the Cortex series processors with ARMv7 architecture were released, and the Cortex-M3 was also launched.
●In 2005, the Cortex-A8 processor was released ●In 2007, the Cortex-M1 and Cortex-A9 were released
●In 2009, Cortex-A9 was implemented and Cortex-M0 was released

●In 2010, Cortex-M4 was launched, Linaro was established, and Cortex-A15 MPcore high-performance processor was launched

Milestone 4 of ARM’s development

●In 2011, Cortex-A7 was launched and ARMv8 was released

●In 2012, the 64-bit processor process started

Подведите итоги

●1.Success is sometimes accidental. .
●2. Development is very fast and very slow.
●3. From design to product, it takes a long time and hard work.

●4. Steve Jobs is very discerning…

Keywords in this article: RTU interface expansion, analog quantity, switching quantity


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