Разница между интерфейсами 485 и 232

To connect things to each other, a “bridge” is needed. Computers to computers, or computers to terminals, still need media. Data transmission between them can use two methods: serial communication and parallel communication. The serial communication method is widely used…

Терминал передачи данных промышленного класса IoT - DTU

Industrial grade IoT transmission terminal -DTU ZHC4012, developed by Zongheng Intelligent Control, is an industrial-grade IoT transmission terminal that can use the public network to provide long-distance wireless communication. Transmit the collected device data to the server. Provide RS485, 232…

Analog quantity acquisition module, switching quantity acquisition module

Introduction to analog acquisition module There are currently 4 products of analog acquisition modules developed by Chengdu Zongheng Intelligent Control. This product can be used to collect standard signals from transmitters such as pressure, temperature, and displacement; collect flow data…

Объяснение технологии LoRa и анализ преимуществ и недостатков

Introduction to LoRa LoRa communication technology is one of the short-distance communications in the Internet of Things communication technology. The same short-distance communication technologies include Bluetooth, WIFI, Zigbee, etc. LoRa is the abbreviation of Long Range in English. It is…

Письмо-приглашение丨22-я Китайская международная промышленная выставка 2020

Exhibition: The 22nd China International Industrial Fair (CIIF2020) Time: September 15-19, 2020 Location: Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center (No. 333 Songze Avenue) Booth number: 2.1H-C031 Exhibition details China International Industry Fair (hereinafter referred to as “China Industry Fair”) is…

lora application, application of LoRa technology in various industries

LoRa features and introduction LoRa is a type of short-distance communication in the Internet of Things. Not all scenarios are suitable for LoRa. So before understanding the applications of LoRa, let’s first talk about some characteristics of LoRa. ◆Transmission distance:…

Detailed explanation of the four major features of NB-ioT

Everyone has always heard about the major features of NB-ioT, including ultra-low cost, ultra-low power consumption, ultra-strong coverage, and ultra-large connections. It is estimated that some people are a little confused about the concept of this feature, and there is…

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