What is RTU? What are the functions of RTU?

What is RTU ? RTU is the abbreviation of Remote Terminal Unit (remote measurement and control terminal), which is responsible for monitoring and controlling on-site signals and industrial equipment. RTU is the core device that constitutes the enterprise’s comprehensive automation…

Как выбрать 4G RTU для терминала измерения и управления IoT?

In the era of rapid development of wireless communications, the Internet of Things has been increasingly integrated into our work and life, and connecting devices to the Internet through 4G networks has become a general trend. The following is how…

Терминал измерения и управления DTU

DTU measurement and control terminal is an intelligent terminal device that realizes remote data collection and transmission based on wireless communication networks such as GPRS and 3G/4G. DTU measurement and control terminal can help users easily realize remote data collection…

RTU_data acquisition_data transmission_remote control

Today, with the increasing development of the Internet of Things, RTU is used more and more widely. At present, RTU has been widely used in industry, agriculture, water conservancy, electric power, environmental protection, meteorology, transportation, energy, commerce and other fields,…

Применение DTU в метеорологическом мониторинге в режиме реального времени

1. Program requirements The ground network of the traditional meteorological information system was built early, with low equipment performance, low line speed, and extended time. It is difficult to meet the requirements for data transmission such as automatic stations, sandstorms,…

Эра 5G наступила, но 4G по-прежнему доминирует

В настоящее время технология 5G запущена на 24 рынках по всему миру и поддерживается все большим количеством устройств. Растет и осведомленность о нем среди потребителей. Согласно соответствующим отчетам, по состоянию на 30 января 2020 года 46 операторов в 24...

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