What is an IoT gateway? What functions does the IoT gateway have?

The IoT gateway plays a very important role in the IoT era. It is the link between the sensing network and the traditional communication network. Between the two different networks of the IoT perception layer and network layer, the IoT…

Man holding lighter in mouth hides from security check and IoT monitoring technology eliminates hidden dangers

Everyone knows that security check before boarding a plane is an indispensable step. Recently, a strange man went through the security check with a lighter in his mouth and became a hot topic. Anyone who is lucky enough to think…

IoT technology helps agricultural production: more income, less costs

Agriculture is one of the oldest industries in human history. By learning to grow crops and domesticate livestock, ancient human societies avoided the necessity of moving in search of food. Therefore, our ancestors had the opportunity to choose a fixed…

Understand the difference between the IoT gateway protocol MQTT and Modbus in one article

The key to Internet of Things (IoT) technology is communication, and various protocols play an important role in connecting the vast number of “things” to the Internet. This article introduces two complementary IoT protocols: Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), a…

Позиционирование сельскохозяйственной техники, сельскохозяйственная техника онлайн контроль

With the development of agricultural mechanization, most of my country’s agricultural production has been mechanized. At the same time, a series of problems have arisen. The agricultural machinery cannot be found in its specific location, or the driving route is…

NB-IoT определен в качестве набора технологий-кандидатов на 5G

NB-IoT is a low-power wide-area IoT technology that operates in authorized frequency bands and is widely supported by mainstream operators and communication equipment manufacturers around the world. Compared with other IoT technologies, NB-IoT has wider coverage, lower terminal power consumption,…

Десять самых привлекательных инновационных технологий Интернета вещей

The Internet of Things refers to the interconnection of micro-computing systems embedded in devices and physical objects and enables these devices to exchange data without human intervention, thereby increasing the integration of the real world into computing devices Opportunity. We…

Как выбрать лучшую IoT-платформу? Семь важных моментов, на которые следует обратить внимание

The applications of the Internet of Things are becoming more and more widespread, and different applications have different platform requirements. But there are some common points to consider when choosing the best IoT platform. Important things to consider when choosing…

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