Классификация облачных вычислений

Классификация облачных вычислений

With the continuous development of network technology, cloud computing has become one of the emerging computer technologies in recent years. So what exactly is cloud computing? Simply put, cloud computing technology can process tens of thousands of data in a short period of time to achieve powerful network services.

Cloud Computing is a type of distributed computing, which refers to decomposing huge data computing processing programs into countless small programs through the network “cloud”, and then processing and analyzing these small programs through a system composed of multiple servers. The program gets the results and returns them to the user.

The rise of cloud computing offers many benefits to organizations and individuals, including the ability to access any software or resource on any device without having to install it locally. Customers can purchase and use these resources according to their needs, anytime, anywhere, flexibly, quickly and conveniently. Cloud computing has elastic resource scheduling and can maximize data security.

According to the deployment method and service object scope of cloud computing services, “cloud” is generally divided into three categories: public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud.

1. Public cloud

The cloud environment used by many enterprises and individual users is called public cloud. In this model, users do not need to own and manage infrastructure. It provides a resource sharing model for a wide range of external users. In the public cloud, all users share a public resource, which is provided by a third party, such as Amazon, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Huawei Cloud, etc.

Everyone can purchase and use resources from the cloud service provider according to their own needs, and the user’s data is also stored in the public cloud provider. Technically speaking, there is no way to completely guarantee data security. This can only be viewed from a business perspective. It provides users with a simple, convenient and low-cost way to go to the “cloud”.

2. Private cloud

If some enterprise organizations use cloud services and the public cloud cannot meet the data security issues, then they build a cloud internally for their own use, and the data is controllable, safe and guaranteed. This is called a private cloud.

Therefore, the key requirements of private cloud are not only the improvement of computing power, but also the key security and reliability. Then, at the same time, it brings high technical, human and business costs, and low resource utilization efficiency.

3. Hybrid cloud

Users can choose different modes that suit their own rules and policies according to their own needs. Private clouds are used for core business data, and public clouds are used for lightweight businesses. This is the most cost-effective way. The technical and functional requirements of hybrid cloud are relatively complete, and it is mainly suitable for financial institutions, government agencies, large enterprises, etc.

With the rapid development of cloud computing, many derivative clouds have emerged according to the different needs of users:

Managed Cloud

Because the manpower and material costs of building a private cloud are too high, and there are security risks in using public clouds, a “managed cloud” is derived based on public clouds. It is a private cloud built by the IDC (Internet Data Center) computer room itself. It can be rented to users on demand and supports expansion. Users do not need to buy the equipment themselves. Users can manage it themselves or can be managed by service providers. Equipment users can use it. The property rights belong to the service provider.

private cloud

What if the same machine is rented to multiple IDC service providers and the safety is not guaranteed? In order to ensure that the physical host you rent is only used by yourself, “dedicated cloud” appeared.

Industry cloud

Some financial companies are afraid to use public clouds, so a certain financial institution builds its own “cloud” (industry cloud) for use by its peers. In this way, a “financial cloud” emerges, which saves money and ensures security. In the same way, there are also “Government Cloud”, “Education Cloud”, “Logistics Cloud”, “Game Cloud” and so on.


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