Internet of things measurement and control terminal RTU

The current vigorous development of Internet of Things technology in China has given us a glimpse of the vast market in the future. According to expert estimates, with the promotion and popularization of my country’s Internet of Things technology in the next 3 to 5 years, a large market with a scale of trillions will eventually be formed. .

The Internet of Things measurement and control terminal RTU is an intermediate device between the sensing network layer and the transmission network layer. It is also a key device of the Internet of Things. Through its conversion and collection, various external sensing data can be collected and processed, and the data can be passed through various networks. interface to the Internet. Without its existence, sensor data will not be sent to the designated location, and the Internet of “things” will cease to exist.

The Internet of Things measurement and control terminal RTU is an intelligent terminal device that realizes remote data collection, processing, storage, encryption and transmission based on 4G, 3G, 2G, LoRa , RJ45 and other communication networks. It realizes the connection between things and human-computer interaction and is widely used. In various IoT application scenarios such as status awareness, facility monitoring, data interaction, and operation control.

Basic functions of IoT measurement and control terminal RTU:

Remote communication: remote communication with application platforms through 4G, 3G, 2G, LoRa, RJ45 networks.

Data collection: Collect output data or signals from sensors, measuring instruments, PLC, etc.

Status monitoring: Monitor the power supply status, start/stop status, fault status and operating conditions of various types of equipment.

Equipment control: remotely control equipment start and stop; remotely set equipment working mode.

Abnormal alarm: Automatically upload alarm information when data/status is abnormal or equipment fails.

Internet of Things measurement and control terminal RTU application topology diagram:

Шлюз DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-платформа/шлюзовой модульШлюз DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-платформа/шлюзовой модуль


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