Interpretation of the three popular areas of smart cities

Smart cities use information and communication technology to sense, analyze, and integrate key information of the city’s core systems to make intelligent responses to various needs including people’s livelihood, environmental protection, public safety, urban services, and industrial and commercial activities. This includes the “city brain” and the collaborative operation of every “cell” in the smart city. In terms of construction content, it can be divided into infrastructure construction, information application, and smart construction of various industries; depending on the target objects, it can be divided into three major contents: smart government affairs, smart industry, and smart people’s livelihood.

Шлюз DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-платформа/шлюзовой модульШлюз DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-платформа/шлюзовой модуль

Smart Transportation: Cross-border integration of travel needs has become the general trend

Smart transportation is based on the intelligent transportation dispatching system and integrates IT technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, and mobile Internet to provide real-time traffic data services through the collection and processing of traffic information through information technology. Through data integration of major system models, solutions are provided to optimize and analyze urban road networks and provide support for urban planning decisions.

In addition to the entry of cross-border giants, many innovative companies are also emerging. New travel service providers, data service providers, and integrated transportation operation service providers are constantly exploring business opportunities in the context of the smart transportation industry. Currently, companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu,, Huawei, Ping An Technology, Didi, AutoNavi, and Qianxun are active in the field of smart transportation. The smart transportation system consists of five parts, namely traffic information service and management system, public transportation system, vehicle control system, electronic toll collection system, and emergency rescue system.

Traffic information service and management system. The information service system can provide road traffic information, public transportation information, transfer modes and times, traffic weather information, parking lot information and other travel-related information to traffic participants in real time. The advanced traffic management system is mainly used by traffic managers. It uses monitoring, communication and control technologies to transmit the traffic conditions obtained by traffic monitoring to the traffic control center through the communication network. The center then combines the information obtained from other aspects to formulate and evaluate the system. Traffic control strategy implements comprehensive traffic management to achieve the purpose of maximizing transportation efficiency and transportation safety, emphasizing the functions of inter-system coordination and real-time control.

public transport system. In order to improve the efficiency of public transportation, the intelligent information network is used to optimize the traffic flow on the highway and ensure traffic safety. Including releasing real-time operating information of transportation means to the public to improve service levels, increase operational efficiency, and enhance the attractiveness of public transportation.

Vehicle control system. Combining sensors, computers, communications and automatic control technologies and applying them to vehicles and road facilities, it is divided into two levels: one is the vehicle assisted safety driving system, and the other is the automatic driving system. The main feature is to use sensors to assist the deficiencies of human sensory functions, reduce the occurrence of dangers, improve the degree of automatic control, and implement safer, more accurate and more reliable control.

Electronic toll collection system. The use of advanced electronic information technology allows vehicles to pass through toll stations at a high speed. All information about the vehicle, including the technical parameters of the vehicle itself, the owner and workplace, tax status and bank account number, are all stored in the electronic card. When a vehicle passes through a toll station, the in-car communicator conducts two-way wireless communication with the toll station’s antenna, and the toll station automatically withdraws the toll from the car owner’s bank account.

Emergency rescue system. When a traffic accident occurs on the road, the system is responsible for quickly handling the accident, promptly treating the injured, and rationally diverting traffic. Including vehicle breakdown and accident rescue, accident rescue dispatch, and priority passage of rescue vehicles, etc., so that accidents can be resolved in the shortest time and injuries can be reduced to the greatest extent.

Travel has become a necessity in public life, and the smart transportation industry ecosystem is integrating across borders to provide more refined, accurate, complete and intelligent services for public travel. This will also become an important goal of the smart transportation system to serve the public. In the future, the integration and development of smart transportation with automobile manufacturing, automobile service industry, transportation operation services, information services and other industries has become a general trend.

Smart medical care: subverting the traditional model and opening a new chapter in medical treatment

Medical services are an important part of the urbanization process. Today, as “urban diseases” continue to intensify, community telemedicine care systems can effectively save social resources and serve the public efficiently. The establishment of an electronic health record system and a medical public service platform can solve the current prominent contradiction between doctors and patients of “difficult and expensive medical treatment”.

Through the efficient use of information technology to build a platform system and reduce the time patients wait for treatment, smart medical care has become an important measure to promote people-friendly medical care and provide patients with fair, safe, convenient and high-quality diagnosis and treatment services. The smart medical system consists of three parts, namely the smart hospital system, the regional health system, and the home health system.

Smart hospital system. The system mainly realizes the collection, storage, processing, extraction and data exchange of patient diagnosis and treatment information and administrative management information. The services it can provide include remote visits, remote consultations, automatic alarms, clinical decision-making systems, smart prescriptions, etc.

Regional health systems. It includes two parts: regional health platform and public health system. The former mainly collects, processes, and transmits all information recorded by communities, hospitals, medical research institutions, and health supervision departments. It can provide basic treatment of general diseases, community care of chronic diseases, upward referral of serious diseases, acceptance of recovery referrals, scientific research management, etc. Serve. The latter mainly provides public health services such as epidemic surveillance.

Home Health Systems. Close to citizens’ health protection, including telemedicine for patients with limited mobility who cannot be sent to the hospital for treatment, remote care of chronic diseases and patients of the elderly and children, health monitoring of special groups such as those with intellectual disabilities, disabilities, and infectious diseases, and also includes automatic reminders Intelligent medication system including medication time, contraindications, remaining dose, etc.

Through the Internet of Things, smart cities can realize the possibility of connecting everything. People, buildings, transportation, and the environment will be included in the entire data network, thereby improving urban services. At the same time, this connectivity can in turn help improve the health of residents. The global smart healthcare market is in a stage of steady development, driven by new medical models such as mobile healthcare, smart healthcare, and telemedicine. Market sales in 2015 were approximately US$251.4 billion, a year-on-year increase of 11.50%.

Smart community: Scenario changes empower community value

In today’s society with the rapid development of information technology, community residents have more and more demands for community services. There is an urgent need to use modern information, digital, and networked means to change the traditional management service model at the grassroots level to meet the diverse needs of residents. Service needs, smart communities have become the cornerstone of smart city development.

Smart community is a new concept of community management under the concept of smart city, and a new model of social management innovation under the new situation. By making full use of new generation information technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and mobile Internet, we can achieve more powerful functions and diversified value-added services, and provide users with a smart life where everything is connected.

The smart community service system can be divided into two parts based on the most basic convenience: the basic hardware environment and the software environment, which can be divided into building intercom systems, face recognition systems, community management systems, etc.

Building intercom system. As an important information device for communities and families, smart communities closely connect users, families, properties, communities and business districts. Users can conveniently use the diverse services provided by communities and business districts through digital terminals, APPs and other applications. The building intercom system is an important component of the complex system of smart communities, and it is also an outstanding embodiment of the combination of software and hardware in smart communities.

The building intercom system is an essential system for newly built residences and bears the important responsibility of protecting the safety of families and communities. Because the system is deeply embedded in residents’ homes, is turned on 24 hours a day, occupies the main position in the living room, and occupies the entrance and exit of the community and home. It has a certain degree of user stickiness and has natural advantages in carrying the implementation of smart communities and smart cities. Rely on the development of digital technology to improve the performance of information collection, dissemination, processing, and display, and enhance security and anti-interference capabilities.

From a technical point of view, the digitization of video intercom can effectively solve the two main networking problems that are difficult to solve with analog systems: long-distance audio and video transmission problems and multi-channel networking problems, and it can use digital video terminals as Node to achieve integration with home alarms, home lighting systems, and home appliance control systems. Digital building intercom has fundamentally changed the development bottleneck of the intercom system, making it possible to combine smart communities with building intercoms, bringing new industry opportunities to the smart community industry, and the combination of intercom and smart community systems has further By increasing the value-added space of the intercom system, the cost-effectiveness of the system has also been improved, thus making the new system more widely promoted and applied.

Face recognition system. The system has the functions of stranger identification, blacklist alarm, gender identification, age identification, static retrieval and dynamic retrieval, as well as powerful data statistical analysis functions. So, what can facial recognition technology do for building smart communities?

The face recognition access control system is mainly installed with an ID card recognition area and a face recognition area. Community residents need to register their face information first. After completing the registration, they will be captured by the community camera and the data will be transmitted to the background for face feature analysis. After the extraction and comparison are successful, and the identity is confirmed, the community door will automatically open, freeing the residents’ hands.

In addition, the face recognition system also includes a face recognition visitor system, a face recognition video control system, etc.

Community management system. In smart cities, taking the smallest unit community in the city as an example, non-cooperative face recognition can help the property management department provide more friendly services to owners in terms of visitor management, property notifications (water and electricity bill notifications, garage information, etc.) Natural life experience.

The continuous rise of intelligence has ushered in important opportunities for the construction of smart communities. In the future, smart communities will develop towards network coverage, system integration, intelligent equipment, and ecological design. By promoting the construction of smart communities, we can achieve the ultimate goal of building smart cities.


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