Is it all the fault of e-commerce for the closure of physical stores?

With the accelerated development of our country’s Internet technology, the lives of Chinese people have obviously become more colorful. With the rapid rise of the Internet, the e-commerce industry was born. The emergence of e-commerce has brought Chinese people into a brand new society, completely changed their lives, and improved their quality of life.

For example, compared with the inconvenient transportation in the past, now we can all use online taxis, and there will be a driver waiting for us when we go out. Compared with the past when logistics and transportation were inconvenient and took a long time, now we can all receive letters in 2-3 days through express delivery. Compared with the past when we couldn’t find what we wanted when we went shopping for a whole day, now we can shop online and have it delivered to our homes even without leaving home…

In short, in the Internet era, all walks of life are emerging in the form of e-commerce, and it has spread all over our lives, making our lives more and more convenient.

It can be said that the emergence of e-commerce has changed many industries, and most Chinese people have also been attracted by e-commerce and began to rely on e-commerce extensively to complete their daily needs. Many people feel that there are almost no industries that cannot be replaced by e-commerce. However, while e-commerce has brought great convenience to Chinese people’s lives, the emergence of e-commerce has indeed become a “nightmare” for many industries.

For example, the emergence of e-commerce has posed a great threat to the domestic physical industry. When people began to shop online, more and more physical stores gradually began to have “store shortages”, and business became worse day by day. Many Brick and mortar stores are closing as a result.

Is it all the fault of e-commerce for the closure of physical stores?

Although the emergence of e-commerce is not the only reason for the decline of the physical industry, the prosperous development of e-commerce has indeed squeezed the living space of physical stores. Many consumers find online shopping more convenient and cheaper, so they give up offline shopping, accelerating the increase in “popular shop rentals”.

So, when the survival of physical stores is being squeezed, and slowly more and more industries begin to transform with the help of e-commerce development, this has to make people question, can e-commerce really completely replace all industries and businesses? ?In our lives, are there any industries whose status will not be shaken by e-commerce? Of course there are!

The first one is a community supermarket.

Nowadays, when Chinese people buy clothes, shoes and other apparel, or when they buy boxes of paper towels or large home appliances, they all choose to buy online. This is normal because you can get better discounts on these products when buying them online.

However, when it comes to the necessary firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea in our lives, it is very uneconomical to buy them online! Because the cost of these goods is inherently low, they are not much cheaper even if they are bought online. Therefore, those community supermarkets are still places frequented by people. It is more convenient to buy things here and the prices are not expensive.

The second one is the vegetable market.

Nowadays, many new retail models have emerged one after another. Many people order groceries on their mobile phones and have them delivered to their doorsteps in person. However, for many people, going to the vegetable market is still the most convenient and worry-free choice. Because the wet market has more dishes, and consumers can choose them themselves.

Besides, food is the most important thing for the people. Even if e-commerce develops vigorously, people will not go without food. Buying food online is only occasional, but more people are still willing to go to the vegetable market.

The third one is the health care industry.

For now, Chinese people are paying more and more attention to their physical health. Especially after the epidemic, many young people have begun to join the ranks of health care. At the same time, more people will choose to relax in acupuncture, massage, pedicure and other shops.

Now, this industry is no longer just for the elderly. In most cases, this industry requires manual operations. No matter how developed e-commerce is, it cannot be replaced.

In fact, the above three industries or businesses only account for a small part. Nowadays, e-commerce is indeed developing rapidly, but there are still many industries in society that e-commerce cannot replace, such as the tobacco industry, beauty industry, barber shops, car repair industry, infrastructure…

Although e-commerce has enveloped our lives, instead of worrying about being replaced by e-commerce, it is better to make good use of e-commerce and let e-commerce serve our real economy well. What do you think about this? So, do you think e-commerce has more benefits or more disadvantages?


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