Learn about the “smart” series of applications under the Internet of Things

At present, big data has penetrated into all walks of life, and there are many scenarios where production services, work and life, and basic necessities of life are digitized. The Internet of Things has been widely used in fields such as smart agriculture, smart cities, smart healthcare, smart homes, and smart logistics.

More and more people are familiar with the term “Internet of Things”, but they have only a limited understanding of the meaning of its applications. Today we will introduce the “smart” series under the application of the Internet of Things in life:

Умное сельское хозяйство

Умное сельское хозяйство - это совершенно новый метод сельскохозяйственного производства, который использует современные информационные технологии, такие как Интернет вещей, искусственный интеллект и большие данные, для глубокой интеграции с сельским хозяйством, чтобы реализовать восприятие информации, точное управление и интеллектуальный контроль всего процесса сельскохозяйственного производства. Она может реализовать сельскохозяйственное производство. Визуальная диагностика, дистанционное управление, предупреждение о бедствиях и другие функции. Применение Интернета вещей в сельском хозяйстве в основном отражается в двух аспектах: сельскохозяйственные посадки и животноводство.

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Agricultural planting collects data through sensors, cameras, and satellites to realize the development of crop digitization and mechanical equipment digitization (mainly referring to the Internet of Agricultural Machinery and Vehicles). Livestock breeding refers to the use of traditional ear tags, wearable devices, and cameras to collect data on livestock and poultry products. By analyzing the collected data, algorithms are used to determine the health status, feeding status, location information, and estrus period of livestock and poultry products. Forecasting, etc., and accurately manage them.

smart transportation

Intelligent transportation is an important manifestation of the Internet of Things. It uses information technology to closely integrate people, vehicles and roads to improve the transportation environment, ensure traffic safety and improve resource utilization.

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Specific application areas using IoT technology include smart buses, shared bicycles, Internet of Vehicles, charging pile monitoring, smart traffic lights, and smart parking. Among them, the Internet of Vehicles is an area that major manufacturers and Internet companies have rushed to enter in recent years.

Умная логистика

Smart logistics refers to the realization of system perception, comprehensive analysis and processing functions in all aspects of logistics transportation, warehousing, transportation, and distribution, supported by information technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence.

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Currently, the application in the field of Internet of Things is mainly reflected in three aspects, such as warehousing, transportation monitoring and express delivery terminals. The monitoring of goods and transportation vehicles is realized through Internet of Things technology, including the location and status of cargo vehicles, temperature and humidity of goods, and fuel consumption. and vehicle speed, etc. The use of IoT technology can improve transportation efficiency and enhance the intelligence level of the entire logistics industry.

Smart retail

The industry divides retail into three different forms based on distance: far-field retail, mid-field retail, and near-field retail. The three are represented by e-commerce, shopping malls/supermarkets, and convenience stores/vending machines respectively.

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IoT technology can be used in near-field and mid-field retail, and is mainly used in near-field retail, that is, unmanned convenience stores and automatic (unmanned) vending machines.

Smart retail creates an unmanned retail model by digitally upgrading and transforming traditional vending machines and convenience stores. Through data analysis and full use of customer flow and activities in the store, we can provide users with better services and provide merchants with higher operating efficiency.

smart building

Buildings are the cornerstone of cities. Technological progress has promoted the intelligent development of buildings. Smart buildings based on new technologies such as the Internet of Things have attracted more and more attention.

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Current smart buildings are mainly reflected in energy conservation. Sensing, transmitting and remote monitoring of equipment can not only save energy but also reduce the operation and maintenance of building personnel. According to the survey, we learned that current smart buildings are mainly reflected in electric lighting, fire monitoring, smart elevators, building monitoring, and termite monitoring used in the field of ancient buildings.

Intelligent security

Security is a major application market for the Internet of Things, because security is always a basic need for people. Traditional security relies heavily on personnel and is very labor-intensive, while smart security can achieve intelligent judgment through equipment.

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At present, the core part of smart security lies in the smart security system, which transmits and stores captured images, and analyzes and processes them. A complete intelligent security system mainly includes three parts, access control, alarm and monitoring. The industry mainly focuses on video surveillance.

smart home

Smart home refers to the use of different methods and devices to improve people’s living capabilities and make homes more comfortable, safe and efficient.

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The Internet of Things is applied in the field of smart homes, which can monitor the location, status, and changes of home products, analyze their changing characteristics, and provide feedback to a certain extent based on human needs. The development of the smart home industry is mainly divided into three stages, single product connection, object-thing linkage and platform integration. Its development direction is to first connect smart home items, then move toward linkage between different items, and finally develop into smart home system platforms. Currently, various smart home companies are in the transition stage from single products to the linkage of things.

Smart medical

In the field of smart medical care, the application of new technologies must be people-centered. The Internet of Things technology is the main way to obtain data, and can effectively help hospitals achieve intelligent management of people and objects.

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Intelligent management of people refers to monitoring people’s physiological status (such as heartbeat frequency, physical exertion, blood pressure, etc.) through sensors. It mainly refers to medical wearable devices and records the acquired data into electronic health files. , convenient for individuals or doctors to check.

In addition, RFID technology can also monitor and manage medical equipment and items, and realize the visualization of medical equipment and supplies, mainly in the form of digital hospitals.

The Internet of Things has penetrated into all aspects of work and life. It is not limited to the applications introduced above. The Internet of Things also has greater roles and responsibilities in other fields. As an important development method in the future, the Internet of Things will better promote social and economic development.


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