What can the Internet of Things do during the epidemic?

At the beginning of 2020, the new coronavirus suddenly broke out and spread across the country. Fortunately, today’s 2020 is completely different from 2003. When dealing with this epidemic, the rapid development of information technology, increasingly powerful infrastructure capabilities, and increasingly mature Internet of Things solutions are giving this fight against the epidemic more opportunities. possibility.

For example, Tencent’s medical dictionary window that updates epidemic data in real time allows billions of netizens to learn about the development of the epidemic in real time; for example, Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, which was built and put into use in ten days, has amazed foreign media on several occasions. How has the development of the Internet of Things been affected by this epidemic? What can we expect from the Internet of Things during the epidemic?

Шлюз DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-платформа/шлюзовой модульШлюз DTU/Edge Gateway/IoT-платформа/шлюзовой модуль

As a national infrastructure strategy, developing the Internet of Things is crucial to us both now and in the future after the epidemic. We know that with the joint efforts of the Chinese people to fight the epidemic, the epidemic will eventually pass. It just takes time, and the development of the Internet of Things as infrastructure construction will definitely play an important role in the next few decades. Give strong support at all times.

1. Smart medical care

As the epicenter of the epidemic in Wuhan, Hubei, the shortage of medical resources has become an important issue in the fight against the epidemic. From the serious shortage of medical protective equipment, the shortage of hospital isolation beds, to the high load operation of frontline diagnosticians, solutions to the problems are imminent.

The Chinese spirit of providing support from all sides when one is in trouble, as well as the overtime operation of medical protective equipment manufacturers, are easing the shortage of medical protective equipment. The successive completion and use of Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals has also gradually reduced the number of suspected cases who are quarantined at home due to lack of beds. Risks. Regarding the shortage of frontline doctor resources and the level difference between doctors, telemedicine has become a key means to solve the problem.

In the face of infectious diseases, a large number of “doctor-patient” remote diagnosis and treatment and “doctor-doctor” remote conferences are inevitably needed. Telemedicine is actually not a new concept, but this time, the role of telemedicine using 5G/Gigabit broadband has been further opened up. For example, Huoshenshan Hospital has begun to apply Huoshenshan Hospital’s first “remote consultation platform” with technical support provided by Huawei, allowing experts in Beijing to conduct remote consultations with patients together with Huoshenshan medical workers. This method not only allows medical workers in Huoshenshan to quickly solve problems, but also avoids the risk of infection among experts and medical workers by reducing travel.

At the same time, telemedicine is reflected in grassroots prevention and control, and there are also government-organized online doctor diagnosis platforms, such as WeDoctor, where users can consult on minor illnesses through pictures, texts, and video consultations. This method can promote the reasonable allocation of medical resources during the epidemic, reduce the pressure on hospitals, and reduce the risk of virus infection for users.

2. Smart retail

As an important part of the national economy, the importance of the retail industry is self-evident. In this epidemic, daily necessities and protective supplies such as masks, disinfectants, Shuanghuanglian oral liquid, rice and vegetables have become the main objects of retail chaos.

The retail chaos is reflected in the rapid rise in prices due to public opinion and market factors, resulting in a shortage of supply. Although the government has issued restrictions on the number of masks purchased, the price increase of protective materials such as masks is still inevitable. However, if offline retail stores are connected to the IoT product application of electronic price tags, through remote price monitoring, and integrated into the government supervision mechanism during the epidemic, it can avoid arbitrary price increases in offline stores and reduce people’s livelihood problems. At the same time, through the collection of information by electronic price tag stores, combined with the empowerment of back-end big data and artificial intelligence algorithms, it is possible to achieve the optimal allocation of resources and alleviate the shortage of resources on the front line through supply chain optimization.

The application of electronic price tags not only saves the company’s price change costs, but most importantly, the non-contact price change of remotely managed prices reduces the risk of infection for staff. Just as many express delivery and takeout companies have adopted “contactless delivery” to deliver goods during the epidemic, they can all achieve the effect of preventing the “highly contagious” new coronavirus.

3. Smart city

Cities are important carriers of human civilization. During this epidemic, Wuhan, a city with a population of tens of millions and a thoroughfare for nine provinces, was closed down during the Spring Festival travel rush. This is indeed a rare event in human history. If the situation of every citizen in Wuhan is known, every person can be accurately tracked, and every outflow of people can be located, then our handling will be more orderly this time. This is the value of a smart city.

Realizing that everyone and every object can be connected and traceable is a milestone in the development of the Internet of Things. Although such a goal seems a bit ambitious at present, the practical application of various thermal imaging body temperature detection technology solutions in public places, as well as the application of small-scale community and family detection solutions during the epidemic, are all providing for Contribute to the development of smart cities.

Smart cities also include traffic management, logistics supply chain, emergency disaster preparedness, information traceability, etc. Through the accumulation of experience in epidemic prevention and control, and with the support of comprehensive data, artificial intelligence disaster preparedness prediction will be possible. , to minimize the impact of disasters on people’s lives. Even if we encounter similar epidemic events in the future, the prediction of epidemic development and the implementation of related plans will be within control, which will be good news for mankind.

Подведите итоги

Throughout human history, human beings have always developed in ups and downs. Following the wheel, there are also the applications of various new technologies, such as telemedicine, electronic price tags, thermal imaging body temperature detection, etc. The ultimate goal of technology application is It is to enable humans to live a better life. I hope that while new technologies will continue to benefit humans, humans will also be self-aware and still remain in awe of nature!


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