What is a distribution automation terminal?

The distribution automation terminal is the execution unit of the distribution automation system and an important part of the distribution automation system. It mainly monitors and controls the switching equipment in the distribution system and has functions such as fault location and isolation, system protection, etc.

Distribution automation terminals are usually divided into three types: Feeder Terminal Unit (FTU), switching station remote terminal DTU and distribution transformer remote terminal (Transformer Terminal Unit, TTU). Depending on the application, the FTU is generally installed on a pole to collect the switching status of circuit breakers, load switches, etc., and report the collected status information to the main station through the wireless transceiver module in real time. If a fault occurs, it will Control the connected power distribution equipment according to the commands issued by the master station. During the installation process of FTU, one FTU is used to monitor the switch on one pole. When two lines are installed on the same pole, in order to save investment, two FTUs can be cascaded to form one master and one slave. Structure, the master FTU communicates directly with the master station, while the slave FTU communicates with the master station indirectly through the master FTU.

What is a distribution automation terminal?

DTU is mainly installed in switching stations, ring main units, and some small substations. Compared with FTU, DTU has a larger number of switches and lines to monitor, and its functions are more complex. In addition to data collection, DTU In addition to monitoring and control functions, some DTUs also have additional functions such as power supply automatic switching and voltage-type feeder automation. Under normal circumstances, DTU and the master station transmit data through Ethernet.

In the distribution automation system, TTU mainly monitors the distribution transformers remotely, collects the voltage, current, active and reactive power, power factor, electricity and other electrical parameters of the transformer, and uploads the collected data to the main station in real time. When a distribution transformer fails, the master station will analyze and process the fault information.

This article mainly analyzes and studies DTU, and provides the detailed design and implementation process of DTU remote signaling and remote control unit.

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