Wireless networking, Internet of things wireless networking

In the Internet of Things, networking solutions are determined according to different application scenarios. Here are several typical networking solutions.

1. One-way networking

One-way networking is to send the collected data to the server in one direction through the DTU (data transmission terminal), which is called one-way networking. This networking method is very common in water heater temperature monitoring and remote meter reading. It is usually completed using network type data transmission equipment such as GPRS, 4G, NB-IOT and so on.

2. One-to-one networking

Send the data of one DTU to another DTU, one as the sending end and the other as the receiving end. This type of networking is called point-to-point networking. For example, in rural areas, if the water level of a certain pool needs to be monitored, and the data does not need to be uploaded to the cloud, but can be sent directly to the computer at the user’s home, then this networking method can be used. Commonly used, if the distance is long, 4G can be used, if the distance is short, LoRa can be considered.

One-to-one networking

3. One-to-many networking

The data collected by multiple DTUs are uniformly sent to one DTU, which is the DTU collecting the sensor, as the sender, and one DTU as the receiver. This networking method is called one-to-many. It is very common in vegetable cultivation in agricultural greenhouses and can be accomplished using LoRa. If the communication distance is long, 4G can be used.

One-to-many networking

4. 4G LoRa gateway networking

This application scenario is quite special. The LoRa DTU1 device collects data and then sends it to the LoRa DTU2 device. The LoRa DTU2 device then connects to the 4G DTU and sends the data to the 4G DTU, and then sends the data to the cloud server through the 4G DTU.

For example, this method can be used in some wells, oil fields, and mines without signals.

4G LoRa gateway networking

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