Являются ли граничные вычисления более важными, чем облачные?

There is no doubt that cloud computing is very popular in the IT world right now. But it’s not the only technology that can change the way all companies use IT services. Another technology that can do this is граничные вычисления .

Edge computing is also growing in popularity and has huge potential. Will it become a competitor to cloud computing? Can it replace cloud computing? Is it a powerful complement to cloud computing? The industry is still undecided on this, but times are indeed changing.

living on the edge

The purpose of edge computing is to bring more processing power and storage closer to where it is needed, which improves response times and saves bandwidth. Edge computing is beneficial for many use cases.

The most obvious of these is the Internet of Things. Many sensors and IoT devices can use edge computing to process data faster and send only the final results to the data center. Edge computing also has benefits for analytics, video surveillance and even privacy. You can use edge computing to process customer data and minimize the flow of data to the data center.

The edge is also used in smart buildings, driverless cars, and more, and it can even be used in retail to enhance the customer experience. All of these use cases require more computing power, but data centers may not be the ideal solution.

Is The Edge the Solution?

This depends on many factors, one of which is edge computing deployment. Network operators are clearly major players in edge computing as they can deploy the required equipment on their networks, bringing them closer to their customers. So the edge won’t replace the cloud, but it will be a much-needed extension of the cloud.

Gartner predicts that edge computing will be used for 75% of companies’ data processing by 2025. As a result, the traditional cloud will become more like a vault where results are stored. Day-to-day operations will move to the edge, and it will all happen faster.

Of course, 5G is a good choice for edge computing. If you want 5G to work, you need to deploy MEC (Mobile Edge Computing) on ​​site, as if to get higher bandwidth, lower latency, etc., you can’t do that from micro base stations, you will need to Small cells, or MECs, are installed at the edge of the network at customer sites. Therefore, edge advantage is critical for 5G to realize its potential.


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