Центр новостей

Как работают сотовые сети и почему они называются сотовыми

The Internet of Things connects things through the network. The currently developed and mature wireless access networks have the characteristics of large capacity and flexibility, can provide faster data transmission rates, and support a wide variety of applications. Currently, GSM modules can be combined with

В какой топологии развернуты сетевые структуры LoRa и LoRaWAN?

The LoRaWAN network architecture is deployed in a star topology (as opposed to a mesh topology, such as Zibgee). The base station of a LoRaWAN network laid out in a star topology relays data between sensor nodes and network servers. Communication between sensor nodes and

Разница между коммутируемыми и высокоскоростными интернет-соединениями

From the current point of view, Shanghai is the first city in China to fully offline narrowband dial-up Internet access. This may also mean that the already pitiful narrowband dial-up Internet service will become a thing of the past: a year ago, on August 17,

Общие профессиональные термины в асинхронной и синхронной коммуникации

При последовательной связи данные передаются по сигнальной линии по одному биту за раз, поэтому для того, чтобы принимающая сторона могла точно принять данные, отправляющая сторона должна знать данные отправки каждого бита.在RS232中,同步已经定义了

В каких средах применяются устройства IoT - в домах, на предприятиях и в промышленности?

The Internet of Things involves extending internet connectivity to anything from standard devices like traditional desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets to connecting physical devices and everyday objects that are not internet-enabled. These devices are embedded with program technology, can communicate and interact through the Internet,

Что такое протокол последовательной передачи данных? Какие из них являются общими?

What is serial communication? The academic explanation is a method of continuously sending one bit of data through the bus at a point in time. Just like an archer shooting his bow and arrow frequently, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh… What is the serial communication protocol? To

Сценарии применения и характеристики промышленных маршрутизаторов 4G

Industrial routers are connected through cellular network data, so they are more suitable for outdoor and commercial indoor use environments. There is no need to consider the troublesome problem of wiring. They only need stable signals and the stronger the better. We can also use

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