Влияние традиционных сотовых сетей на производительность Интернета вещей NB-IoT

Starting from the analysis of NB-IoT Internet of Things technology, it introduces the physical layer of the NB-IoT system and its coexistence with other systems, introduces the LTE system and GSM system, and analyzes the necessity of research on their…

Как работает сторожевая защита

In order to make the transmission of networking equipment such as industrial routers, DTUs, and serial servers more stable, these devices will be equipped with anti-surge, anti-static, anti-pulse and watchdog protection. Among these hardware protections, there is one that can…

3-я конференция по инновациям и развитию индустрии Интернета вещей (Чэнду, Китай) и ежегодная конференция 2020 года по индустрии Интернета вещей

On March 11, 2021, the 3rd Internet of Things Industry Innovation and Development Conference (Chengdu, China) and the 2020 Internet of Things Industry Annual Conference were held in Jingronghui, Chengdu. The theme of this conference was “Integrated Innovation Intelligent Internet…

[Хорошие новости] Ху Тао, генеральный директор компании Chengdu Zongheng Intelligent Control, получил звание "Отличный IoT CEO"

On the afternoon of March 11, 2021, the 3rd Internet of Things Industry Innovation and Development Conference (Chengdu, China) and the 2020 Internet of Things Industry Annual Conference were successfully held in the large conference room on the 1st floor…

Анализ применения удаленной связи промышленного маршрутизатора

Q: What can the industrial router wireless client function achieve? The wireless client function of the industrial router can realize Wi-Fi bridging, which can be understood as a small relay function, but it is not completely equivalent to a relay.…

Как работает протокол связи TCP/IP сервера последовательного порта

As we all know, the serial port server is a data communication device that converts the serial port into a TPC/IP network interface. So what is TCP/IP? Although TCP/IP communication (and collecting data from TCP/IP devices) may seem intimidating at…

Do the data bit times of serial communication have to be consistent?

Что такое последовательная связь Последовательная связь имеет большое значение для микроконтроллеров, требует небольшого количества кабелей и простой разводки, поэтому широко используется для удаленной передачи данных. Проще говоря, обмен данными между...

Functional applications of 5G industrial routers

Industrial routers are communication equipment that realizes outdoor networking based on cellular networks. 5G industrial routers are outdoor communication equipment that are realized through 5G networks. They are 20 times faster than 4G industrial routers. The price and speed are…

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