Модуль беспроводной передачи данных для ПЛК

1. Product introduction of plc wireless transmission module GPRS communication is based on the existing communication network of mobile operators and is mainly used for data transmission. The purpose of Zongheng Intelligent Control’s development of PLC wireless communication control module…

Микроконтроллерный модуль беспроводной передачи данных

Microcontrollers were produced with the development of electronic computers (computers). With the development of society and the improvement of needs, computers are constantly updated and developed. Since computers were born in response to numerical calculations, electronic computer technology has long…

Принцип работы беспроводного приемного модуля

As technology becomes more and more developed, the Internet of Things has quietly entered every aspect of our lives, such as wireless data transmission. Wireless data transmission modules are widely used in vehicle monitoring, remote control, telemetry, small wireless networks,…

Design of single chip microcomputer and microcomputer serial port communication circuit

The microcontroller is limited by the storage medium and cannot further process the sent and received data. Therefore, in applications that require further processing of large amounts of data, the powerful data processing capabilities of microcomputers must be used. In…

Приложения для беспроводной передачи данных

Wireless data transmission is a very common art in the Internet of Things. Wireless data transmission includes three levels: node collection layer, intermediate transmission layer, and terminal monitoring application layer. The middle transmission layer is responsible for wireless data transmission.…

Беспроводная передача данных zigbee

zigbee? Applications of Zigbee Zigbee is a low-power personal area network protocol based on the IEEE802.15.4 standard. The technology specified under this agreement is a short-range, low-power wireless communication technology. The name comes from the eight-character dance of bees, because…

Преимущества беспроводных модулей передачи данных в промышленной сфере

The wireless data transmission module is a modular product of the data transmission radio station. It refers to a high-performance professional data transmission radio completed with DSP technology and radio technology. The use of digital radio stations has evolved from…

Explanation of Internet of Things data transmission equipment

In view of the necessity of converting serial port data into network data during Internet of Things communication, a design method of data transmission unit is proposed. The serial data interface is the commonly used RS-232 and RS-485 interface, and…

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