How the Industrial Internet of Things creates smart factories

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) offers the potential to transform manufacturing, both internally and externally—increasing equipment utilization, improving workflows, and optimizing supply chains. By understanding how Industrial IoT can deliver better business outcomes, manufacturers and other players in the…

IoT drives transformation of energy industry

Conventional power plants are known to be slow to respond to changes in demand. Electricity generation increasingly relies on the complex interaction and integration of different technologies, such as natural gas and wind power installations, or floating solar panels deployed…

Why is edge computing critical to the development of IoT technology?

Edge computing is an emerging technology that enables efficient data processing because large amounts of data can be processed close to the data source, thereby reducing Internet bandwidth usage. This both reduces costs and ensures that applications can be used…

Internet of Things technology enables intelligent agricultural operations

When most people think of the Internet, they don’t immediately think of agriculture. Instead, most people think of computers or smartphones. People don’t even know yet, but Internet of Things (IoT) technology allows farmers to connect devices to the internet…

Learn why the Internet of Things is becoming more popular in one article

The Internet of Things (IoT) is developing at an astonishing pace. The Internet of Things opens up countless possibilities and is disrupting nearly every industry today. Some experts believe that the technology is advancing so quickly that the potential uses…

How the Internet of Things is changing the agricultural industry

Thanks to the widespread adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT), connected devices are found in almost every sector, from energy, healthcare, and home automation to retail, and oil and gas. The impact of the Internet of Things has been…

Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital—a model room for future Internet of Things hospitals?

According to media reports, the Huoshenshan Hospital with a total construction area of ​​33,900 square meters was officially completed on February 2 and officially admitted patients with pneumonia infected by the new coronavirus on February 3. For Huoshenshan Hospital, due…

A brief analysis of the four major factors driving the growth of the medical Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of physical objects connected through the Internet. These physical objects include technologies that interact with internal factors as well as the external environment. The Internet of Things is being widely used…

Industrial IoT applications are growing rapidly

As IoT technology develops, factories are becoming automated environments, logistics operations and supply chains are being revolutionized, and industries such as healthcare are benefiting from always-on connectivity. The number of connected devices serving a range of vertical markets will increase.…

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