NB-IoT определен в качестве набора технологий-кандидатов на 5G

NB-IoT is a low-power wide-area IoT technology that operates in authorized frequency bands and is widely supported by mainstream operators and communication equipment manufacturers around the world. Compared with other IoT technologies, NB-IoT has wider coverage, lower terminal power consumption,…

Десять самых привлекательных инновационных технологий Интернета вещей

The Internet of Things refers to the interconnection of micro-computing systems embedded in devices and physical objects and enables these devices to exchange data without human intervention, thereby increasing the integration of the real world into computing devices Opportunity. We…

Как выбрать лучшую IoT-платформу? Семь важных моментов, на которые следует обратить внимание

The applications of the Internet of Things are becoming more and more widespread, and different applications have different platform requirements. But there are some common points to consider when choosing the best IoT platform. Important things to consider when choosing…

Internet of Things Garbage Classification-Intelligent Management System Makes Life Better

Currently, the application of the Internet of Things is in full swing in many fields. With the continuous advancement of technology, the Internet of Things is gradually being used in environmental protection, energy management and other fields. On July 1,…

What problems does edge computing solve in the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things is an important means to realize the digital transformation of the industry and will give birth to new industrial ecology and business models. Without cloud computing alone, IoT projects cannot reach their full potential, especially in…

Что технология IoT может привнести в строительную отрасль?

As the cost of adopting IoT technology continues to decrease, the willingness of various industries to enable IoT is becoming stronger and stronger. For the construction industry, it is reaching a tipping point where the ROI of implementing IoT will…

Краткий анализ стандартного протокола Интернета вещей MQTT

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a client-server publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol that is lightweight, open, simple, simple in design, and easy to implement. Although HTTP is the epic standard for web pages, for large-scale communication between machines (Machine-to-Machine, M2M),…

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