Detailed explanation of the differences between serial port, COM port, UART port and RS232/485 and TTL

At present, there are many types of interfaces in communication equipment, and you will always encounter various conversion boards during debugging. Today, this article will help you understand the differences between these interfaces. First of all, the serial port, UART…

Умные города продолжают развиваться, а решения требуют совершенствования.

New generation information technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence are important supports for the construction of smart cities. Their application not only accelerates the construction of smart cities, but also makes smart cities smarter.…

Необходимость строительства интеллектуальной противопожарной защиты на основе лесного пожара в Ляншане, Сычуань

Recently, fires have occurred frequently in many places in the north and south of my country. Many forest fires have broken out in North China, Beijing, Shanxi and other places. The thick smoke can be clearly seen in space, causing…

Состояние разработки и план развертывания сети узкополосного Интернета вещей NB-IoT

In recent years, with the saturation of everyone’s phone calls and the penetration of things-things connections in various industries, the Internet of Things has become a product of the development of the times, and the Internet of Things business will…

Проанализируйте применение технологии Интернета вещей в современном сельском хозяйстве

Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the development of world civilization, and this is especially true for Chinese civilization. We have long been able to learn about the “emphasis on agriculture and suppression of commerce” from history textbooks and understand…

Создавайте умные туалеты и стройте цивилизованные города

With the advent of the new technology boom of the Internet of Things, people’s livelihood construction has also caught on to the smart train and begun to move towards intelligence. On the basis of national policy support and the improvement…

How will the Internet of Things change transportation?

As IoT technology continues to mature, the application areas of IoT technology are also expanding. For example: finance, medical care, logistics, etc. Among many fields, the integration of the Internet of Things and the transportation industry will become increasingly closer,…

Smart light pole – a breakthrough in smart city construction and an outpost of 5G networking

In 2019, 5G has become a battleground for countries around the world to compete in the technological competition, and smart light poles are a new generation of urban information infrastructure that includes charging piles, video surveillance, environmental monitoring, light pole…

New model of power operation and maintenance under the Internet of Things boom

Whether it is people’s daily home life or industrial and agricultural production, they are almost inseparable from water, electricity and other energy sources. Especially now that social and economic development is so rapid, how to improve the comprehensive allocation of…

Internet of Things technology helps “smart buses” make travel more convenient

With the development of Internet of Things technology, the application of mobile information technology has brought many unexpected conveniences to our cities. In many fields such as transportation, logistics, education, urban management, and medical care. In response to the country’s…

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