Сотрудничество между школой и предприятием: Zongheng Intelligent Control подписала соглашение о сотрудничестве между школой и предприятием с Чунцинским университетом почт и телекоммуникаций

On the morning of March 2, the Yitong College of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Chengdu Zongheng Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd. held a school-enterprise cooperation signing ceremony in Conference Room 107 of the Administration Building. Dean Professor Zhang Demin, Vice Dean Dr. Yin Bangman, General Manager Hu Tao of Chengdu Zongheng Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd., Director of the Department of Communications and Information Engineering Mao Qijian, Assistant Director Li Wenjuan and relevant key teachers of the Department of Communications and Information Engineering attended the signing ceremony. The signing ceremony was hosted by Director Mao Qijian.

General Manager Hu Tao briefly introduced the development, staff composition and R&D products of Chengdu Zongheng Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd., saying that it will combine the development needs of the enterprise to create convenient conditions for the development of the school and achieve win-win cooperation; Dean Zhang Demin represented the school to General Manager Hu Tao extended a warm welcome to the arrival and congratulated both parties on signing the school-enterprise cooperation agreement. At the same time, he hoped that the cooperation would be carried out more deeply based on the principles of resource sharing, complementary advantages, and mutual benefit; Vice President Yin Bangman It is emphasized that school-enterprise cooperation must be implemented in practice and truly serve talent training. School-enterprise cooperation will face many problems and requires continuous communication and negotiation between both parties during the cooperation to establish a long-term and stable cooperative relationship.

The Department of Communication and Information Engineering of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications currently offers 6 undergraduate majors. Among them, the Communication Engineering major was listed as the 2012 “Professional Comprehensive Reform Pilot Project” for undergraduates in ordinary colleges and universities in Chongqing. It is the first batch of projects launched by the Ministry of Education and is also the first batch of projects launched by the Ministry of Education. The only independent school in the city to receive this project. The Electronic Information Engineering major was selected into the Chongqing “Three Special Action Plan” characteristic professional construction projects in 2013. In recent years, the Department of Communications and Information Engineering has vigorously developed practical education and has successively established a number of school-enterprise cooperation units and internship practice bases. Its graduate employment rate has always remained above 95%. The successful conclusion of this school-enterprise cooperation signing ceremony once again reflects the Department of Communications and Information Engineering’s active exploration and practice in talent training, faculty building, teaching reform, etc., and also the reform and application of the department’s professional talent training model. A new platform has been established for talent cultivation.


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